Set up your own project

In this chapter you will learn how to start an Anyblok project ready to run and hack.

Project initialization

To quickly set up a new project we maintain a cookie cutter recipe which helps you generate a new AnyBlok project by answering a few questions.

As you take any good opportunity to innovate (and mainly because we would like to show you some AnyBlok concepts), after talking with your customers it feels like booking a classroom looks a lot like reserving a meeting room in any company. For now, it won't change a lot of things but later we will demonstrate how to split your code in different Bloks. So let's call this project rooms booking and create a first blok named room.

(rooms-venv)$ pip install cookiecutter
(rooms-venv)$ cookiecutter gh:AnyBlok/cookiecutter-anyblok-project
project_name [Project name]: Rooms booking
project_slug [rooms-booking]:
project_short_description [A short description of the Anyblok based project]: Anyblok service to manage (class)rooms reservation
python_package [rooms_booking]:
blok_name [rooms_booking]: room
Select db_driver_name:
1 - postgresql
2 - mysql
Choose from 1, 2 (1, 2) [1]:
db_name [rooms_booking]:
Select http_server:
1 - no
2 - anyblok_pyramid
3 - anyblok_pyramid+beaker
4 - anyblok_pyramid+gunicorn
5 - anyblok_pyramid+beaker+gunicorn
Choose from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) [1]: 2
Select has_anyblok_marshmallow:
1 - no
2 - yes
Choose from 1, 2 (1, 2) [1]:
Select open_source_license:
1 - Mozilla Public License Version 2.0
2 - GNU General Public License v3
3 - MIT license
4 - BSD license
5 - ISC license
6 - Apache Software License 2.0
7 - Not open source
Choose from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) [1]:
version [0.1.0]:
full_name [Your name]: Pierre Verkest
email [Your address email (eq. [email protected])]: [email protected]
github_username [Your github username]: petrus-v

Congratulations! Your project is there, you have created a rooms-booking directory with a blok called room and an Example model is present inside.

Set up your environment

Note: We assume you have at least a python3.6 environment ready to work with and Postgresql listening on port 5432.

We have a project directory but before running Anyblok you need to get dependencies like AnyBlok itself and setup a database:

(rooms-venv)$ cd rooms-booking
(rooms-venv)$ make setup-dev

You can read the Makefile to understand what's done:

setup-dev: ## install python project dependencies for development
    pip install -r
    python develop
    anyblok_createdb -c || anyblok_updatedb -c
  • We have installed dev requirements
  • Installed current package using develop that allows you to develop and run your package without re-installing it after each changes
  • Create (or update) a database with room blok installed with all its requirements

As you may have noticed, the state saying what bloks are installed or not is saved in a database, so you can have two different databases working with the same code that behave in a different way according to installed bloks.


Run your project

As long as you chose anyblok_pyramid, you have two options. We will start to open a console interpreter to add Example records in your database then we are going to list them in your preferred browser and see how to launch unittests.

Console interpreter

This shows you how to add and query the Example model using ipython:

(rooms-venv)$ anyblok_interpreter -c

In [1]: registry.Example.query().all()
Out[1]: [<Example: An example, 1>]

In [2]: registry.Example.query().all().name
Out[2]: ['An example']

In [3]: registry.Example.insert(name="Another example")
Out[3]: <Example: Another example, 2>

In [4]: registry.Example.query().all()
Out[4]: [<Example: An example, 1>, <Example: Another example, 2>]

In [5]: registry.Example.query().all().name
Out[5]: ['An example', 'Another example']

In [7]: registry.commit()

In [8]: exit

Run webserver

To run a development webserver execute:

(rooms-venv)$ make run-dev
anyblok_pyramid -c --wsgi-host
AnyBlok Load init: EntryPoint.parse('anyblok_pyramid_config = anyblok_pyramid:anyblok_init_config')
Load config file '/etc/xdg/AnyBlok/conf.cfg'
Load config file '~/.config/AnyBlok/conf.cfg'
Load config file '~/AnyBlok/rooms-booking/'
Load config file '~/AnyBlok/rooms-booking/app.cfg'

Then open your favorite web browser and visit following urls:

$ curl localhost:8080/
<a href="./example">List all availaible examples</a><br/>
<a href="./example/1">Get example id=1</a>

$ curl
[{"id": 1, "name": "An example"}, {"id": 2, "name": "Another example"}]

$ curl localhost:8080/example/1
An example

Tips: you can use ctrl+C to kill the server

Run tests

Before running tests, you'll have to configure the tests environment, we usually use a different database to launch unittests as some tests may depend on some expected demo data that we don't want to alter while testing manually!

(rooms-venv)$ make setup-tests
(rooms-venv)$ make test
========================================== test session starts ==========================================
platform linux -- Python 3.5.3, pytest-4.6.3, py-1.8.0, pluggy-0.12.0 -- ~/anyblok/venvs/rooms-venv/bin/python3
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: ~/anyblok/rooms-booking, inifile: tox.ini
plugins: cov-2.7.1
collecting ... AnyBlok Load init: EntryPoint.parse('anyblok_pyramid_config = anyblok_pyramid:anyblok_init_config')
Loading config file '/etc/xdg/AnyBlok/conf.cfg'
Loading config file '~/.config/AnyBlok/conf.cfg'
Loading config file '~/anyblok/rooms-booking/app.test.cfg'
Loading config file '~/anyblok/rooms-booking/app.cfg'
Loading config file '/etc/xdg/AnyBlok/conf.cfg'
Loading config file '~/.config/AnyBlok/conf.cfg'
collected 5 items                                                                                       

rooms_booking/room/tests/ AnyBlok Load init: EntryPoint.parse('anyblok_pyramid_config = anyblok_pyramid:anyblok_init_config')
Loading config file '/etc/xdg/AnyBlok/conf.cfg'
Loading config file '~/.config/AnyBlok/conf.cfg'
rooms_booking/room/tests/ PASSED
rooms_booking/room/tests/ PASSED
rooms_booking/room/tests/ PASSED
rooms_booking/room/tests/ PASSED

=========================================== warnings summary ============================================
  ~/anyblok/venvs/rooms-venv/lib/python3.5/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-1.3.5-py3.5-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/pool/ SADeprecationWarning: PoolListener is deprecated in favor of the PoolEvents listener interface.  The Pool.listeners parameter will be removed in a future release.
    Pool.__init__(self, creator, **kw)

-- Docs:

----------- coverage: platform linux, python 3.5.3-final-0 -----------
Coverage HTML written to dir htmlcov

================================= 5 passed, 1 warnings in 2.23 seconds ==================================

We have learned how to bootstrap an AnyBlok project and run it without explaining what each component is, if you want to go further keep reading!

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