Main features
Yet, you may wonder why AnyBlok is useful for you?
AnyBlok takes advantages of famous python libraries and reuses
packages that already have proven their efficiency:
- Using SQLAlchemy AnyBlok is an ORM: in few words you don't have to worry about the database management only your source code.
- With Pyramid easily integrate any web protocol format, SOAP, JsonRPC, gRPC, REST.
- Integrated with beaker you'll be able to precisely manage browser sessions and cache.
- Using dramatiq you can easily scale your application and distribute asynchronously the workload through message brokers.
- And so on... Read more below about what values bloks have.
So you may use those libraries directly in your project but headaches to make them working together by applying common patterns was already spent by AnyBlok authors. Also it adds some nice features on its own:
- Work with multiple databases, to distribute your database workload you will be able to have one database to read/write and 3 others to read requests.
- Synchronize web session and SQL sessions
- Business API code: Business code is disconnected from any graphical user interface so it can be used with any of them. You may even integrate AnyBlok within existent python code.
- AnyBlok provide modularity mechanisms to let you easily reuse code distributed in different python packages.
- Make it easy to manage multiple levels of responsibilities in source code (for instance develop a generic product and manage customizations) by a dynamic inheritance mechanism.
- ...
We'll like to focus on SqlAlchemy to show AnyBlok's values: SqlAlchemy is a powerful and well known ORM that let you write python code and not worry about SQL. It also provides the required abstractions so it can speak with different Database systems (PostgreSQL, mariadb, SQLite...)
Great but what is the value of AnyBlok then? We could use Pyramid and sqlAlchemy without AnyBlok if we only require a web service ?
Yes that's true! Here are some examples of AnyBlok values:
- It already does the hard work to make those great python libraries talk together.
- Load python module at runtime: you can add blok at runtime, so you don't have to stop the service to add functionalities.
- With the same python packages installed in one environment, you can get multiple instance with different behaviors according to which bloks you choose to install. This information is saved in the database so each database is an instance that can get a very different behaviours with only one running server.
- You can easily separate source code in different bloks, in a blok you will be able to extend, overwrite or overload other bloks, this allows you to customize all components of an application without doing any changes in a blok developed by someone else. You have full control over modules import order and bloks dependencies.